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Concrete, wood and metal restoration

Wood, Metal & Concrete Restoration

At WCP Building Renewal, we combine practical expertise with building science principles to provide thorough restoration solutions for your building. Our renewal work is centered on concrete restoration, wood repair, and metal refinishing and is complemented by our concrete waterproofing, painting, sealant, and membrane services.

Comprehensive Concrete Restoration Solution

Building science guides our process, helping us understand how buildings work and what they need to stay resilient. This knowledge allows us to choose the right methods and materials to restore building surfaces that remain protected long-term.

Our concrete restoration services include multi-step repairs to fix concrete cracks, spalling and delamination for high and low rise buildings. Typical repairs include restorations for concrete walls, balconies, edges and exposed surfaces where we utilize high quality building materials to ensure our work is sturdy and looks good.

We also perform wood and hardie siding restoration for stratas, townhomes and condominium complexes. Our work includes smaller projects like the replacement of damaged surfaces and more robust projects like building envelope upgrades. We choose the best methods and materials that can withstand weather and wear, keeping your building safe and looking its best, long term.

Concrete Waterproofing and Protective Finishes

With our concrete waterproofing, membrane installation and sealant work, we focus on keeping moisture out of your building. We’re experts at replacing caulking and sealant systems at joints and windows, protecting your building from water damage. This ensures that the benefits of our concrete restoration services are long-lasting, safeguarding your property from potential structural issues caused by water intrusion.

Of course, the finishing touch of our building renewals is our paint and coatings work to beautify and further protect your building.

At WCP Building Renewal, we’re committed to practical, effective restoration solutions that stand the test of time. Contact us today to find out how we can help improve your property.

Renewal and restoration services

  • Concrete, wood and stucco restoration and repair
  • Targeted building envelope work
  • Painting and coatings work
  • Balcony restorations
  • Sealants and caulking repair and installations
  • Membrane repair and installation
  • Building inspections
  • Scaffolding, swing stage and rope access work

Restoration projects

  • High Rise
  • Warehouses
  • Office Buildings and Facilities
  • Shopping Centres
  • Light Industrial Projects
WCP Building Renewal | Concrete Restoration | Restoration
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